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tos Imbolc banner.png
Imbolc collage.jpg
Imbolc between w-solstic and s-equinox meme.png
Imbolc poster 3.jpg
Imbolc poster 4.jpg
Imbolc poster 7.jpg
Imbolc poster 8.jpg
Imbolc poster 5.jpg
Imbolc poster 6.jpg
Brigid-Imbolc poster.jpg
Imbolc-Brigid poster.jpg
Imbolc-Candelmass poster 1.jpg
Imbolc-Candelmass poster 2.jpg
Imbolc and Wheel of Year.jpg
Celtic wheel of year.jpg

Celtic Wheel of the Year

The cross-quarter, fire festival of Imbolc, on the Celtic "Wheel of the Year,"  is traditionally celebrated beginning on the eve of February 1 (Feb. 2 in some locales) or celebrated according to the precisely timed astronomical and astrological date exactly between the Winter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox (the mid-point of winter; this year occurring on February 4). Imbolc is dedicated to the goddess Brigid or St. Bridget of Ireland. 


The Irish name for February is Feabhra and the Anglo-Saxon name for this month was Solmonath (literally, “sun month”), noting the gradual return of the light after the darkness of midwinter. 

February (Februarius) & Februa

February-Imbolc almanac.jpg
Imbolc-Brigid-Candlemas-Groundhpg Day poster.jpg
February month name poster.png
Juno Februata poster.png
Februa February Goddess poster.png

"Lady February"

Lady of February (Sasser).jpg
Festival of Juno Februata poster.png
Februa (Roman goddess) 1.jpg

February is named after “Februa,” the Roman festival of purification, held on February 15. The print depicts Februa as a goddess in a shell, pouring water from a small jug. She is pulled along by two fish, which represent Pisces—the astrological sign which falls at the end of the month.


Juno Februa (Roman goddess) 1.jpg

"Juno Februa"

Juno Februa (Roman goddess) 2.jpg

"Juno Februa"

Lupercalia & Februa

Lupercalia festival poster.png

Thematic Images for Imbolc

Imbolc poster 1.png
Imbolc-Brigids Day-Candlemas.jpg
Imbolc Emerging poster.jpg
Imbolc Sabbat poster.jpg
Imbolc altar 1.png
Brigid Cross altar.jpg

Imbolc altars (Wiccan)

Imbolc dreams poster.jpg

"Imbolc Dreams"

Imbolc Febuari 2st poster.jpg
Imbolc meme 1.jpg
Imbolc Brigid's Day poster.png

Thematic Images for Imbolc Blessings

Imbolc Blessing 2.jpg
Blessed Imbolc 1.jpg
Imbolc Blessings.jpg
Imbolc Blessings purification rebirth poster.png
Imbolc Blessings new beginnings meme.png
Blesssed Imbolc 5.jpg
Brigid's Day Blessings.jpg
Brigid's Day collage.jpg

Brigid's Day collage

Thematic Images for the Goddess of Imbolc, Brigit (Brigid, Brighid).

   Goddess of Poetry, Healing, and Smithcraft

Brigid, Goddess of Poetry Healing Crafting.jpg
Brigid poster 5.jpg
Brigid goddess of poetry and inspiration.jpg

Brigid, goddess of poetry, music. and healing

Brigid Goddess of Creativity, Poetry, Healing, Smithcraft.jpg

Brigid, goddess of inspiration and creativity

Brigid 13.jpg
Brigid 27.jpg
Brigid 69.jpg
Brigid of the Green Mantle.jpg

Brigid of the Green Mantle

Brigid 78.jpg
Brigid poster 9.png
Brigid poster 11.jpg
Brigid pan-Celtic goddess poster.png
Brigid poster 4.png
Brigid goddess 4.jpg
Brigid 3.jpg
Brigid goddess 6.jpg
Brigid goddess 5.jpg
Brigid goddess 2.jpg
Brigid goddess 7.jpg
Brigid Goddess of Imbolc poster.jpg
Brigid 47.jpg
Brigid 78.jpg
Brigid 76.jpg
Brigid 89.jpg
Brigid 42.jpg
Brigid 66.jpg
Brigid 24.jpg
Brigid goddess 9.jpg
Brigid 91.jpg
Brigid 92.jpg
Brigid 93.jpg
Brigid 94.jpg
Brigid 95.jpg
Brigid 96.jpg
Brigid 97.jpg
Brigid 98.jpg