The Gypsy Scholar presents the Orphic Essay-with-Soundtrack,
"Un-Thanksgiving Day"
Thematic Images for the Traditional Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving is the winding up of autumn. The leaves are off the trees, except here and there on a beech or an oak; there is nothing left on the boughs but a few nuts and empty birds' nests. The earth looks desolate, and it will be a comfort to have the snow on the ground, and to hear the merry jingle of the sleigh-bells.
~Oliver Wendell Holmes
Thanksgiving Day, as celebrated by the Pilgrims, is essentially a late autumnal harvest festival.
Thematic Images of Pilgrim & Native American Thanksgiving
(According to the national myth)
First Thanksgiving 1621 (Ferris, 1912)
The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth (Brownscombe, 1914)
Pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians
American Indians Samoset, Massasoit, and Squanto